Weight Loss

The science of “weight Loss” has made great advancements of recent years The American Medical Association has labeled it a true disease entity. It is due to a wide range of environmental, genetic, hormonal, behavioral causes. At this time, approximately 75% of U.S. citizens and 50% of the world population is overweight or obese and obesity is linearly related to many of the chronic known diseases such as DM, HTN, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, not to mention certain cancers, psychiatric, orthopedic maladies. At BUCS, our providers are educated, trained and experienced in the science of weight loss. We use the latest treatment modalities and the newest most effective medications in the field when clinically indicated.


Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I am overweight? How do I know if I’m obese?

In the United States, at least 50% of the population is overweight. The most common parameter we base this on is the “Body Mass Index” or B.M.I. Clinical studies by the W.H.O. and others have shown an increase in many afflictions like Hypertension, Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease, Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction, Arthritis, certain cancers, Mental disorders, and some digestive disorders. There is a linear link of mortality and morbidity with this “arbitrary” parameter.

What formulas do you use to calculate if a person is overweight or obese?

The linear association of overweight / Obesity with subsequent disease is correlated using the BMI and therefore it is the parameter we use. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and it is calculated by the weight of the patient divided by the height of the patient. The results are expressed as Kg / m2 or as in - ”lbs /in2. Occasionally we also measure % body fat using a device that we keep onsite. Normal is about 15% and it is generally higher in females than males.

Can my weight loss be managed without drugs?

Weight loss can be managed without medication. If a patient has higher BMIs, and if prior modalities are not getting results, additional modalities, including medication, and possible surgery is considered.

Can you help with dietary recommendations for weight loss?

We are knowledgeable about nutrition, and we can help you significantly with dietary recommendations. BUCS can help evaluate the impact of what your diet and dietary habits are.

What are the differences between environmental, genetic, hormonal and behavioral causes of being overweight or obese?

All these factors contribute to obesity. There are factors that are out of your control like genetic, family predispositions, but there other factors that you may be able to control like environmental, behavioral, sleep deprivation exercise and diet.  We will help you use what you can control to compensate for the factors that you cannot control. Motivation is a big part of weight loss success. The best way to be motivated is to start off with what is reasonable and not too difficult. If your goal is too steep and you try to lose significantly more than what is recommended over time, you may lose motivation. There is a good chance that if you lose that weight to quickly, there is a very high chance that you will gain it all back. We work with the patient / client through counselling and guidance. We prescribe medication liberally and with indication.

Does exercise help weight loss? If so what types of exercise?

Frequent exercise is good for muscle tone and for the cardiovascular system and is generally good for your health. The extra calories used significantly help with weight loss. The cardiovascular and muscle tone improvement are the primary  reasons why exercise is important. Both strength building and aerobic exercise are equally useful for these purposes. Your provider at BUCS will advise you of all the modalities you will use to lose weight.

What is considered a safe timeframe for weight loss?

Obesity is a chronic disease and accordingly it takes a while to achieve one’s goal, often more than a year. Weight loss should be about 10 – 15% every 2 – 3 months. Too fast and the weight is gained back. Too slow and one can become discouraged.

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